Apr 5, 2019
In order to focus our actions where they’re needed most, PQE has decided to absorb all Community Voices for Education initiatives. Effective April 5, 2019, all relevant political action, advocation, and community efforts will be handled by Parents for Quality...
Jan 9, 2019
Dear Parents and Advocates, Happy 2019! We wish everyone a Happy 2019 and thank you for your support in 2018!! We took some very positive steps in 2018 by continuing our fight for fair voter representation, increased our footprint on issues that are...
Oct 21, 2018
By The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board In 2008, local voters approved $2.1 billion in bonds for the San Diego Unified School District. In 2012, district voters approved an additional $2.8 billion in bonds. Now, with Proposition YY, the school board...
Oct 20, 2018
Dear Fellow San Diegans, We ask you to Vote NO on Measure YY. This is a Bad Deal for San Diego. The November Bond Issue YY would authorize San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) to issue an additional $3.5 billion in bonds all at the...
Oct 5, 2018
For Immediate Release Contact: Bret Caslavka, 619-985-7219, Craig Sherman, Esq. 619-702-7892 Parents for Quality Education with Plaintiffs Margaret Sanborn and Ricardo Castillo have filed a lawsuit against San Diego City Council, San Diego Unified School District and...