Dear Parents and Advocates,

Happy 2019!

We wish everyone a Happy 2019 and thank you for your support in 2018!! We took some very positive steps in 2018 by continuing our fight for fair voter representation, increased our footprint on issues that are important to City-wide communities and supported candidates at all levels of San Diego that are supportive of our views.

Community Voices for Education (CVE) & Parents for Quality Education (PQE)
In March of 2017, CVE was initiated by PQE, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, to bring accountability, transparency, and accurate representation to San Diego’s public education system. CVE began advocating to reform the election methodology for School Board Election by objecting and demanding that City Council revise the election process for the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) School Board to have Sub-district only elections with term limits to follow the model of City Council elections or Change the City Charter. Term limits were placed on the November 2018 ballot and passed.

California Voting Rights Act (CRVA) & School Board Sub-District Only Electionis still our priority for 2019. As you may recall the City Council failed to respond to our demand letter in July 2018 requesting, they place District Only Elections for SDUSD on the November 2018 ballot. A lawsuit was filed in September 2018 against the City of San Diego in violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). The Grand Jury findings of May 2017 state that sub-district elections alone would assure voters of each district would be more fairly represented than an “at-large” election.

We are continuing the process, and, in the event, the new City Council does not address this issue we expect to have a hearing date set for June 2019.  Winning this legal battle will finally assure all communities have accurate representation to San Diego’s public education system and place the interest of kids first.

In the next few weeks, we will announce other steps and actions we will pursue to achieve our goal.

Please consider contributing to our efforts. Donations are accepted online at you again for helping 2019 be a year for change.


Mitz Lee
Board Chair
Parents for Quality Education
Community Voices for Education

Bret Caslavka
Parents for Quality Education