Dear Parents and Advocates,

As we have communicated in the past, California Voting Rights Act (CRVA) & School Board Sub-District Only Election District Only Election is still our priority for 2019. As you may recall the City Council failed to respond to our demand letter in July 2018 requesting they place District Only Elections for SDUSD on the November 2018 ballot. A lawsuit was filed in September 2018 against the City of San Diego in violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). The Grand Jury findings of May 2017 state that sub-district elections alone would assure voters of each district would be more fairly represented than an “at-large” election.

We are continuing the process and in the event the new City Council does not address this issue we expect to have a hearing date set no later than November 2019.  Winning this legal battle will finally assure all communities have accurate representation to San Diego’s public education system and place the interest of kids first.

In the meantime, while our lawsuit runs its course, we will once again demand the City Council to place a ballot initiative on district only election in the upcoming March 2020 Primary Election with implementation on November 2020 School Board Election.

Please join us at the City of San Diego Rules Committee Meeting!

Let us ask the CITY COUNCIL to place a Ballot Initiative in 2020 Primary Election to amend the City Charter on SDUSD Board Member Elections to follow the same process as the City – Sub district elections by the people they serve. 

Sub-item A: Consideration of a ballot measure proposed by Parents for Quality Education to recommend changes to the City Charter regarding the local school board election process.

For the full agenda, click here:
Rules Committee of the City Council of the City of San Diego
WHEN:    Wednesday, July 31, 2019
                  1:00 PM

WHERE:   San Diego City Hall
                  City Administration Building
                  Committee Room – 12th Floor
                  202 “C” Street, San Diego, CA 92101 We hope to see you there. Thank you for your support. 
Mitz Lee
Board Chair
Parents for Quality Education

Bret Caslavka
Parents for Quality Education
About PQE & CVE
Community Voices for Education (CVE) is a group of parents, community members and stakeholders working together to bring accountability, transparency, and representation in our San Diego Public Education system, so every child receives the quality education they need. CVE is a project of Parents for Quality Education (PQE), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, was founded by civic minded parents in 2009 to improve public education through increased involvement of parents and the community in the educational process.