Distance Learning Virtual Town Hall
June 24, 2020 6:00 p.m. -7:30 p.m.

Join us in Zoom Platform to discuss about Distance Learning


Meeting ID: 875 1759 5308
Password: 331145

RSVP at pqe@parentsforqualityeducation.org

Dear Parents and Community Advocates,

Distance Learning is not a new educational concept however it is a new way of educating our school systems that was thrust upon us without a plan to implement it.

It is likely you have participated in some form of Distance Learning for some time now. Whether it be a Zoom Class, family conversation, birthday party or participating in an online education program for your child, Distance Learning is increasingly becoming an established system of learning and instruction and will continue to be a larger part of all business and educational systems going forward. Simply put, how we learn and live has changed forever.

With the unprecedented global impact of Covid19 we are all now fully engaged in Distance Learning and it is affecting every parent and student in California’s 2nd largest school district.

PQE wants to hear from parents and students on their experience with the San Diego Unified School District distance learning program.

By taking our short online survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YV7S6QS you will provide us with valuable information as we prepare for our first in a series of virtual Town Hall meetings on June 24.

We will discuss the results of our survey and provide participants with a Q&A session on recommended improvements as time permits.

Please share this with your friends, educators and families that are part of the San Diego Unified School District so we can all be part of this future landscape of learning.

Thank you for your continued commitment to bring fair and equitable education to every student and family in San Diego, regardless of zip code or economic status. In times like this, we must continue to hold our elected school officials accountable.

We want to hear your voice so every school can be a good school.

Tom Keliinoi
Parents for Quality Education