Thank you!
Your support of district only election for San Diego Unified School Board was a success!
On Wednesday May 13th San Diego City Council unanimously voted to take the measure to a full council vote. By sending your comments and phone in testimony to the City Council Rules Committee on May 13, 2020 played a significant role in their decision. We are extremely grateful for your efforts.
The vote to amend the City Charter to electing School Board Members to a District only Election rather than a citywide election will now advance to the full Council for final vote to be placed on the November 2020 ballot.
Since March 2017, we may finally see changes that will place the interest of our children first and bring fair and just representation back to our neighborhoods.
As you are aware, Parents for Quality Education (PQE) has filed a lawsuit against the City of San Diego to enforce the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) and is set for court hearing on July 31, 2020. Winning this legal battle assure all communities have accurate representation to San Diego’s public education system and avoid any possible political maneuvering.
This vote by the Rules Committee is a step in the right direction. However, we need to remain diligent, committed and together to make sure the full City Council will vote to place District Only Elections on the ballot for November 2020 Election.
PQE will keep you inform on the date when the City Council will vote on our proposal. Work is never done when it comes to our children. Please keep the fight for quality education for all children.
Again, thank you. Together we will make things happen.
With much appreciation,
Board Chair
Parents for Quality Education
Tom Keliinoi
Parents for Quality Education
To learn more about Parents for Quality Education, please visit us at